Introducing Nicole!

Introducing Nicole!

We’re delighted to introduce you to Nicole! She recently joined our team as our new pXRF technician. She is also doing a PhD in Environmental Science looking at tara iti, Aotearoa’s most endangered bird species. She’s an outdoorsy sort, and is particularly...
Mission compostable

Mission compostable

Been wondering what belongs in your compost and what doesn’t? Nargiss and colleagues tested typical ‘disposable’ items that you might have questions about – from pizza boxes to compostable cups to fibre trays. Read more in the link below and...
Welcome to Debbie and Nargiss!

Welcome to Debbie and Nargiss!

A very warm welcome to our two new Soilsafers here in the School of Environment! Debbie is our new website guru, keeping it (and you!) up to date on our community science and soil research and engagement. Nargiss starts with us this month on our participant...


A hearty CONGRATULATIONS to Teo Eugenio who, this month, handed in his Masters thesis in Environmental Management that evaluated Soilsafe Aotearoa’s community science impact! You might have taken part in Teo’s online survey that asked about how you found...
Goodbye to Simon – the person behind the emails!

Goodbye to Simon – the person behind the emails!

This week we bid a fond farewell to Simon, who has been the ‘voice’ behind the Soilsafe emails you receive when you take part in our soil metal screening programme. Simon has been working with Soilsafe since 2022, through some tumultuous COVID times, and...
We have moved!

We have moved!

Kia ora Soilsafers We have moved! If you’re looking to submit your soil to our citizen science programme for metals screening, you should now send your samples to: Soilsafe Aotearoa c/o School of Environment University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142...