
Keep up to date with the latest Soilsafe news.


Here we post the most exciting and latest news from the programme so you can get to know us better and keep up with our progress.

We have moved!

We have moved!

Kia ora Soilsafers We have moved! If you're looking to submit your soil to our citizen science programme for metals screening, you should now send your samples to: Soilsafe Aotearoa c/o School of Environment University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142...

Congratulations to Lianne!

Congratulations to Lianne!

CONGRATULATIONS are due to Lianne Edwards-Maas who is the first Honours student to have completed their research dissertation with Soilsafe Aotearoa, on our Soilsafe Kids programme! Lianne's excellent dissertation examined the ways that outputs from children's...

1000 household gardens tested!

1000 household gardens tested!

This month we received soil samples for screening from our 1000th garden! We've now returned 4767 sample results to 1035 households! THANK YOU to everyone who has taken part and spread the word so that we might better know our soil, and think a bit more about why...